Aga Khan Museum displays amazing and inspiring photography by high school youth focusing on the world of tomorrow

(Publisher-Editor, Simerg, Barakah and Simergphotos)

This post  has been prepared from material received from the Aga Khan Museum.

There is only 1 week left for members of the public to view a fantastic display of photographs by youth who participated during the summer in the  Frederic Roberts Photography Workshop, an eight-day course designed to empower high school students with a new skill — the art of telling visual stories. Their inspiring photographs are on display until September 15, 2019.

Aga Khan Museum photography exhbition by youthA view of the photography exhibition “Our Sustainable Future” running at the Aga Khan Museum until Sunday, September 15, 2019. Photo: Simergphotos/Malik Merchant

The photographs document the youth’s vision for the world of tomorrow based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The young photographers explored such topics as food security, gender equality, and environmental protection in their communities — probing the challenges of meeting these goals and considering potential solutions. We publish below a small selection of photos from this MUST SEE Exhibition which runs until September 15, 2019.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals Exhibition Farida Karimi: It takes so many people to build a healthy, sustainable community that is free of poverty in all forms. Here, the youth from Summerlunch+ are preparing food for children at a local summer camp to ensure their well being. When taking this photo, I was touched by the generosity of the youth who offer their time and help out their community.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals ExhibitionRayyan Alaa Chamma: Zero Hunger is a goal we need to think about in our own city. This picture was taken at Haven Toronto, a place that provides nutritious meals to older homeless people using donated food that would otherwise go to waste. Canada wastes about 58% of their food production. When we think about reducing food waste, we can also help others in need.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals ExhibitionZahra Lalani: When children of all races and genders are given the chance to play sports together, they become healthy in more than body. When I took this picture, I saw how the players had to work hard to get the ball, for themselves, and as a team. I wanted to show how different children can work together to do something they love and achieve their goal, regardless of who they are.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals ExhibitionNusrat Basher: This photo to me, shows hope. I want people, especially little girls, to see this photo of a female firefighter and know that no job or position of power is limited to a specific gender. Girls can become firefighters, lead a team of individuals who are willing to risks their lives for their community, and be a role model and inspire both young girls and boys to become whomever they wish to be.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals ExhibitionRaj Makani: The average family in North America wastes up to 180 gallons of water each week. We cannot keep taking it for granted when so many parts of the world have no access to clean water. When people view this picture, I would like them to feel the beauty of these droplets and be moved to cherish and protect this important resource.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals ExhibitionTabish Ameri: I captured this moment with a streetcar driver who was happy and proud that he helps transport people to their location using affordable, environmentally friendly transport. By making energy efficient travel possible for everyone, he is contributing in his own way to protecting our environment.

190813_SaudahShaikh7642Saudah Shaikh: When I looked at this man in the TTC control room, I saw him from my perspective as someone who relies on his work every day; to get to school, work and even a doctor’s appointment. My photo shows an individual with an undivided commitment to making the city work for us all. Sometimes we all need to step back and see how everything comes together, piece by piece; person by person.

190815_TabishAmeri9023Tabish Ameri: The pure expression of joy that these two girls shared touched my heart and urged me to capture that moment. It does not matter who you are, your race, or where you come from, we all share the same emotions. Youth deserve to have healthy conversations with no fear. Everyone deserves to be happy.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals ExhibitionAmsal Ali: In a city the size of Toronto, accessible transit is important. Using clean energy public transport will lead to a more sustainable city and better future for our planet. I want people to see this photo and realize that using mass transit is an environmentally friendly option for travel, especially when compared with other individual or family traditional vehicle transport.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals ExhibitionFarhanaz Adilyar: This image shows one way to increase food sustainability in the world. It was taken in a community garden in the Thorncliffe Park neighbourhood. I wanted to demonstrate responsible consumption and production through this garden where people can grow their own food without the need for overproduction or the carbon footprint associated with food distribution.

190808_YanaMikhailava0106Yana Mikhailava: Everyone has a part to play in taking action to fight climate change. When individuals make the effort to change their habits with the planet in mind, we will see greater government investment in sustainable infrastructure. Sometimes that change is as simple as riding a bicycle.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals ExhibitionRaj Makhani: Healthy life below water is a very important goal because although we do not live under water, it still affects us in many ways. Not only does water pollution reduce underwater diversity, it impacts our food resources and can affect our health.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals ExhibitionRayan Tarbush: Taking this picture made me think in a different way. I was attracted by this ladybug’s beautiful colours. No matter how small they are, the tiniest of creatures has a life and purpose that is needed for the balance in their ecosystem. We need to protect all parts ofour environment in order to ensure the clean air we breathe and a healthy mother earth.

190807_YanaMikhailava0119Yana Mikhailava: Bees are a pollinator species critical to our ecosystem and the way we grow our food. Despite that, several species of bees have become endangered. It was inspiring for me to find this beehive in Toronto and to talk to the beekeepers actively making an effort to re-establish urban bee populations as a form of climate action.

Aga Khan Museum Sustainable Development Goals ExhibitionTabish Ameri: It takes teamwork to build a strong, sustainable community. This photo shows a team of kids who came together with a common purpose to win a cricket game. It also reveals a much larger team of partners who came together to encourage belonging, confidence, a happy life, and better community.

Date posted: September 8, 2019.

Before leaving this website, please click Table of Contents for links to superb photo pieces on a wide range of subjects.


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